Five Daughters Speak Up (Numbers 21:1-11)

Have you ever held a belief, only to have that belief challenged by a personal experience? You thought you understood a complicated situation, but then you met someone who was actually living that reality? Someone recovering from addiction or trying to build a new life after incarceration. Someone trying to get a better paying job but who lacked the education and connections often needed to do so. Someone pushed aside because of stereotypes. How do we respond to these realities, when we see and feel the injustice around us, but we’re not sure where to begin?

This week we’re wrapping up a sermon series where we’re looking at some of those “blink and you’ll miss it” kinds of stories from the Bible and seeing what we can learn from these faces in the crowd. This morning we’re going to explore Numbers 27 to see the way that faith lived out through action can produce real and meaningful change in our spheres of influence.


Jubilee: A New Song (Luke 4:16-29)


Leviticus and Making Sacrifices (Leviticus 1:1-9)