Isaiah and the Purpose of Awe (Isaiah 6:1-8)

Awe is part of the human experience. Our souls are built to respond to the power and beauty and mystery of the universe. Without awe, we’re not fully human.

And yet, how often are we feeling awe? How often are you overcome by something vast and mysterious? How often does something happen that’s so amazing that you stop whatever you’re doing and say, “whoa”...?

The world is brimming with awe-inspiring miracles! But so often we’re too busy to notice.

Which is alarming. Because awe is not just a bonus emotion that’s good to experience a couple times a year, it’s fundamental to our well-being.

In this sermon we look at Isaiah’s encounter with the Lord and why awe is so important.


Leviticus and Making Sacrifices (Leviticus 1:1-9)


Abigail and Making Peace (1 Samuel 25:23-31)